This course develops concepts in quantum mechanics such that the behaviour of the physical universe can be understood from a fundamental point of view. It provides a basis for further study of quantum mechanics. Content will include: Historical origin of Quantum Theory: Blackbody radiation, Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, Optical Spectra of atoms. General formalism of Quantum theory: operators, wavefunctions and their physical significance, expectation value, commutation relations, uncertainty principle. The Schroedinger equation, infinite square well, the square well in three dimensions, central potential, step potential. The Harmonic Oscillator, Angular momentum in quantum mechanics. Approximation methods: Stationary Perturbation theory, Variational method, WKB approximation, Theory of Scattering.

Course Code: 
MAT 410
No. of Credits: 
Level 400
Course Semester: 
Second Semester
MAT 411
Select Programme(s): 