1. To expose students to the scientific principles of pollution to the environment
2. To equip students to approach environmental issues in a rational manner.
The course exposes students to understand pollution in the world, population pressures and wastes, Solid wastes and their disposal, indoor pollution, types of pollutants, transport behaviour of pollutants in environment. The course also introduces the students to types of pollution-Water pollution, land pollution, air pollution; toxicity and risk assessment of environmental pollutants, pollution prevention concepts and principles, global environmental problems- Global warming, greenhouse effect and global climate change.
Reading materials
1. Alloway, B.J. and Ayres, D.C. 1997. Chemical Principles of Environmental Pollution. 2nd Edn. Chapman and Hill.
2. Clark, J.H. 1995. Hazardous Waste and Human Health. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford
3. Harrison, R.M. 1990. Pollution Causes, Effects and Control. Royal Soc. of Chemistry, London.
4. Holdgate, M.W. 1979. A Perspective of Environmental Pollution. Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge.
5. Sparks, D.L. 1993. Soil Decontamination. In: Handbook of Hazardous Materials (M. Corn, ed) Academic Press. San Diego, CA.
6. Yong, R.N., Mohammed, A.M.O. and Warkertin, B.P. 1992. Principles Contaminant Transport in Soils Dev. Geotech Eng. 73, Elsevier, Amsterdam.