Content: The course exposes students to radiation and temperatures in the tropics, general circulation of the tropical atmosphere, water and energy balance, rainfall seasonability and variability in the tropics, evaporation and evapotranspiration in the tropical ecosystem, tropical disturbances, turbulent transfer and wind relationships, tropical climates and energy production. The course also equips students to evaluate the impact of climate change on agriculture, environment, man and hydrological cycle.

Objective: To evaluate the impact of climate change on agricultural production

Reading materials

  1. Enger, E.D. and Smith, B.F. 1991. Environmental Science: A Study of Interrelationships. 4th Edn. W.C. Brown Publishers
  2. Jackson, I.J. 1977. Climate, Water and Agriculture in the Tropics. Longman group Ltd., London.
  3. Manteith, J.L. 1975. Principles of Environmental Physics. Whitstable Litho Ltd., Whistable, Kent
  4. Nieuwolt, S. 1978. Tropical Climatology. An Introduction to the Climates of the Low Latitudes. John Wiley and Sons. Chichester, England.


Course Code: 
ASS 811
No. of Credits: 
Level 800
Course Semester: 
First Semester
Select Programme(s): 
Land Use And Environmental Science