The focus of this course is the analysis of general and work environment to identify potential, eminent and real health and safety hazards (both natural and man-made) in order to proffer solutions. Both physical and psychosocial environment will be assessed. Health hazards emanating from the nature of jobs and the work environments will also be analysed. The principles of quantitative health and environmental risk assessment of toxicants will be presented. Qualitative and quantitative skills necessary to evaluate the probability of injury, disease, or death in the general population and workers from exposure to environmental contaminants and workplace hazards are discussed. Hazardous identification, exposure assessment, dose-response evaluation and risk characterization will be emphasized. Students may work with relevant institutions (EPA) to carry out environmental and occupational health and safety risk assessment. The impact of climate change and its related national and international agreements or treaties on the environment will be examined critically. Students capacity will be enhanced to enable them develop systems and procedures for risk assessment.

Course Code: 
EPH 962
No. of Credits: 
Level 900
Course Semester: 
First Semester
Select Programme(s): 
Health Promotion