The course reviews the structure, function and the general properties of proteins. Chemical Kinetics: definition of kinetic terminologies, rate of chemical reactions, molecularity, order and rate constants, differential and integral methods of analysis. Zero, first and second order differential rate equations, factors affecting rate of chemical reactions will be discussed. Key highlights in this course include enzymatic proteins, the kinetics of enzyme catalysis and derivation of rate equation for single-substrate enzyme reaction. The effects of external factors (pH, substrate concentration, ionic strength and temperature) on the mechanism of enzyme-catalysed reactions will be discussed. Students will be introduced to enzyme-based assays, free energy diagrams; simple reversible inhibition; time-dependent inhibition; transition state theory; inhibition of one-substrate enzymatic reactions; allosteric interaction and the general regulation of enzyme activity. Selected methods of enzyme purification and characterization will be discussed during tutorial sessions.
Course Code:
BCH 303
No. of Credits:
Level 300
Course Semester:
First Semester
Select Programme(s):