The course examines feeding and reproductive biology of fish of commercial importance, their age and growth parameters. The interaction of reproduction, growth and mortality in fish production, and the use of these concepts in fisheries management are discussed. Students are introduced to methods for the prediction of fisheries yields, stock assessment, and determination of indices of over fishing. Also discussed are fishing methods, the effects of impoundments on fisheries and the characteristics of the Ghanaian fishing industry. Students will also be introduced to various types of fisheries practiced locally and internationally, exploitation methods of fisheries, International Law of the Sea, regional treaties, regulations and bodies responsible for fisheries management (such as ICCAT, CECAF, etc.). Role of the Ministry of Fisheries and community involvement in fisheries management will be discussed.
Course Code:
FAS 414
No. of Credits:
Level 400
Course Semester:
First Semester
Select Programme(s):
Fisheries and Aquatic Science