This course involves strategies for providing information on issues such as the concept of health and healthy living; physical fitness; individual responsibilities in attaining good health; health delivery systems; communicating health information to people; strategies for dealing with outbreak of diseases such as HIV, caring for the sick, aged and handicapped; drug use and abuse.            

Objectives: On completion of the course students will be equipped with concepts in basic health and wellness and the relevant skills to design, implement and evaluate health education programmes/activities for solving public health problems in different socio-economic contexts at both local and national levels.


Mode of Delivery: The content will be delivered through lectures, individual and or group presentations. In order to ensure that students benefit from different perspectives on some of the topics included, colleagues and visiting lecturers/practicing professionals may be invited to provide specialist contribution when necessary.


Course Code: 
POH 311
No. of Credits: 
Level 300
Course Semester: 
First Semester
Select Programme(s): 
Population and Health