This course deals with the perspectives of indigenous knowledge in population and health. The course describes the cosmovision that underpins these perspectives and discusses the thematic issues in contemporary global and local contexts. The focus of the course centres on indigenous knowledge within the contexts of beliefs, perceptions, experiences, practices and life transitions in population and health. It also relates to the construction of illness and health, and the role of traditional medicine in health care delivery. Theoretical models including the cosmovision constellation related knowledge model, indigenous human life-cycle and the bio-psychosocial-S will be used to guide the discussion.

Objective: The main objective of the course is to discuss the perspectives of indigenous knowledge in population and indigenous/traditional construction of illness and health. 

Mode of Delivery

Mode of delivery will be in three forms:

  • Discussion (main delivery)
  • Lecture method
  • Individual research and presentation
Course Code: 
POH 317
No. of Credits: 
Level 300
Course Semester: 
First Semester
Select Programme(s): 
Population and Health