The course deals with concepts and processes involved in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of population, reproductive health and rights policies and programmes. It examines the historical perspectives in the development of population policies, concepts in (population) policy formulation, the factors which contributed to these developments; international agenda which have shaped concepts, policies and programmes in reproductive health and rights (e.g. Almaty Declaration of 1978, Cairo and Beijing Conferences), the implications of these developments for issues of population and reproductive health and rights. Among the topics to be discussed are definition of policy, population, reproductive health and rights; policy formulation – approaches; concept of heath as a right. Population policies of Ghana, beginning with the pre-independence period to the present, and selected African countries will be discussed.
Objectives: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the conceptual issues in policy formulation;
- Analyse the factors which have shaped population and health policies in Ghana and in selected African countries; and
- Relate the knowledge gained to policy formulation in population and social dimensions of health.
Mode of Delivery: The course will be delivered through lectures, team teaching and presentation of individual and group assignments