Content: The course offers an overview of research methodology including basic concepts employed in quantitative and qualitative research methods. It also will expose students to photography and biological illustration, language for scientist and computer applications for research.
Objective: To introduce students to scientific literature search, report writing, on-farm research techniques and data management system.
Recommendation materials
- Gomez, K.A. Gomez, K.A. & Gomez, A.A. 1984. Statistical procedures for agricultural research. John Wiley & Sons
- Kumar, R. 2019. Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners. Sage Publication Ltd., London
- Sahu, P.K. 2013. Research methodology: A guide for researchers in agricultural science, social science and other related fields. Springer. New Delhi.
- Wall, T. & Stokes, P. 2014. Research methods. Macmillan Publishers, New York, USA.
Course Code:
ASS 825
No. of Credits:
Level 800
Course Semester:
Second Semester
Select Programme(s):
Land Use And Environmental Science