Content: The course is designed to cover soil as an ecosystem, microbial ecology- bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, algae, protozoa and viruses. The course contains the rhizosphere in relation to nutrient cycling- the carbon and nitrogen cycles. It emphasizes mineral transformations in soils-microbial transformation of P, S, Fe and Mn; Mycorrhizal symbioses-Ectomycorrhiza and endomycorrhiza; nutrient and metabolite interchange between symbionts; legume-rhizobium association, symbiotic N-fixation; ecological interrelationship; microorganisms and soil quality; microbial degradation of toxic chemicals in soils; and soil organic matter and its dynamics.
- To equip students with the understanding of soil-plant-microbe relationships and microbial contribution to some ecological processes
- To introduces students to the role of microbes in maintaining soil quality through microbial degradation of toxic substances such as agrochemicals
Reading materials
- Alexander, M. 1971. Microbial Ecology. Wiley, New York.
- Alexander, M. 1976. Introduction to Soil Microbiology. 2nd Edn. John Wiley & Sons
- Domsch, K.H and Gams, W. 1973. Fungi in Agricultural Soils. Academic press, new York.
- Killham, K. 1994. Soil Ecology. Cambridge Univ. Press.
- Round, F.E. 1973. The Biology of the Algae. Edward Arnold, London
- Sykes, G & F. A. Skinner (eds.) 1973. Actinomycetes. Academic Press, New York.
Course Code:
ASS 801
No. of Credits:
Level 800
Course Semester:
First Semester
Select Programme(s):
Land Use And Environmental Science