The course is in two parts. The first part focuses on a critical examination of various scholars' theoretical perspectives on fundamental issues in evaluation practice. The course is an advanced study of programme evaluation in education and related fields, including investigating its purposes and procedures, with attention to settings, personnel, and performance; review of principal theories; and study of models, histories, political contexts, ethics, and the nature of evidence. The second part focuses on the application of evaluation theories and models in answering questions in education and dealing with educational problems. Students will deal with clarifying an evaluation request and responsibilities, setting boundaries and analysing an evaluation context, identifying and selecting the evaluative questions and criteria, planning the information collection, analysis and interpretation. It also deals with developing a management plan for the evaluation, collecting evaluation information, analysing, interpreting, reporting and using evaluation information and conducting meta-evaluations.

Course Code: 
EPS 916
No. of Credits: 
Level 800
Course Semester: 
Second Semester
Select Programme(s): 
Measurement and Evaluation
Measurement and Evaluation