
To equip students with the knowledge of the nature and objectives of social sciences, as well as the epistemological and ethical foundations of theory building in social sciences.  


Emphasis will be given to the strengths and weaknesses of positivist and hermeneutics traditions, functional dependency and statistical laws, building blocks and theory formulation. Sources of new theories, measurement models and their applications in the social sciences, objectivity and the question of value free social sciences, and feminist epistemology are also addressed. Discussions will involve systems thinking and analysis and logical, empirical and epistemological processes that theory formulation or construction sin the social sciences pass through. 

Mode of delivery

The course will be delivered through lectures, seminars, group discussion, and applied problem solving approach.

Course Code: 
FSS 902
No. of Credits: 
Level 900
Course Semester: 
Second Semester
Select Programme(s): 
Geography And Regional Planning