Stationary and non-stationary series: removal of trend and seasonality by differencing. Moments and auto-correlation. Models: simple AR and MA models (mainly AR(1), MA(1)): moments and auto-correlations; the conditions of stationarity: invertibility. Mixed (ARMA) models, and the AR representation of MA and ARMA models. Yule-Walker equations and partial auto-correlations (showing forms for simple AR, MA models). Examples showing simulated series from such processes, and sample auto-correlations and partial auto-correlations. (Other models, e.g., trend and seasonal). Model identification: Elementary ideas of identification of models based on simple acf and pacf showing difficulties with real series. Estimation of parameter: initial estimate based on sample acf and pacf only (least squares estimates by iterative method). Result for standard error of sample acf, pacf and estimators. Forecasting: use of the AR representation for forecasting. Minimum mean square error forecasts. Updating.