Construction of School of Graduate Studies Complex Begins

A ground breaking ceremony has been performed for the commencement of  work on a three-storey School of Graduate Studies building at the north campus of the University.

The project which is being executed by Casilda Company Limited is expected to be completed in 24 months and will provide office accommodation, library, resource centre, and seminar rooms among others to facilitate graduate work.

The Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, Prof. Ernest Laryea Okorley said it has been a long journey but the “good news is that we are beginning to see concrete efforts being made to achieve the ultimate goal”. He expressed the hope that the contractor would make good his promise to complete the project on schedule by ensuring judicious use of the resources available.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. D. D. Kuupole commended those who contributed in diverse ways for the project to take- off and prayed that the funds available would be enough to see the entire project through. He said “graduate work is the hallmark of every university therefore the facility when completed would go a long way to achieve that goal.

Prof. added that the university would not compromise on the quality of work to be done since the profile of the contractors was taken into consideration before the award of the contract. He called for dedication of all connected to the project to ensure that nothing was done to forestall its progress.