GAUA-UCC members attend CPD Programme

The Ghana Association of University Administrators (GAUA), University of Cape Coast (UCC) chapter has held a day's Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programme for members of the Association.

The initiative forms part of the Association's plans to strategically help members develop great administrative competencies in their various specialised areas of endeavour within the University's administration.

The programme was on the theme, "Enhancing Professional Practice through Research Scholarly Publications and Technical Reports."

The Senior Accountant and Head of Finance at the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration-UCC, Dr. Philomena Araba Sam, speaking on the topic, "The need for Research in Professional Practice; The case of Non-Teaching Senior Members", explained the need for GAUA-UCC members to engage in professional research to solve problems they faced at their work place.


Dr. Philomena Araba Sam delivering her presentation

According to her, professional research was an added advantage to members to help update their knowledge and skills on current trends in the field of university administration.

Dr. Sam encouraged her audience not to solely dwell on academic research but also take advantage of professional research through report and Memo writing to address internal challenges within the University.  She added that such research could also be used as basis for promotion.

She further challenged administrators not to rest on their oars but strive to research into key issues within the University. She said research builds the professional competence and credibility of administrators as well as expand their knowledge base to make good decisions.

For his part, a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Communication Studies-UCC, Dr. Wincharles Coker, who spoke on the topic: "  "The Ingredients and Requirements for Scholarly Publications and Technical Reports", encouraged



Dr. Wincharles Coker speaking on scholarly writing at the CPD Programme

GAUA-UCC members to be passionate about research work and not publish merely for promotion.

"You are publishing because you are passionate about your work. You are publishing not because of promotion. You are publishing to make your world of work a better place" he said.

He mentioned observation, routine work, news, rumours and reading as some of the areas to derive research ideas. Dr. Coker further used the occasion to explain that monographs, conceptual articles, critical essays, book reviews and grant proposals, among others, as the scope of scholarly publications.

Dr. Coker advised GAUA members to take baby steps in their research approach and encouraged them not to shy away from publishing their research works in hard journals.

President of GAUA-UCC, Mr. Felix Adu-Poku, in his remarks stressed the importance of research in administrative practices and appealed to members to take the programme and discussions seriously to achieve the intended purpose.


President, GAUA-UCC, Felix Adu-Poku

He said GAUA-UCC would continue to promote the interest of members to improve their output at their respective work points.

Mr. Adu-Poku charged members to put the knowledge acquired at the programme into practice and further share with colleagues.

The Registrar of UCC, Mr. Jeff Onyame, in a short remark, entreated members to publish to ensure the renewal of their appointments in the University and called on them to take the CPD programme seriously to enhance their administrative competence.

Source: Documentation and Information Section-UCC