Google Digital Skills Training

Google Digital Skills Training Programme The department in collaboration with Wineloya Digital Advertising organized a day’s training for first and second year students of the department as well as first year students of Accounting and Finance departments. Over 350 students were trained under three (3) major Themes; The Online Opportunity, Building online Presence and Introduction to Search Engine Marketing. The training was held on two separate days (22nd and 29th September, 2016) for students’ convenience at the College of Distance Education (CoDE) building (D6). Students were introduced to the various opportunities in the Digital world today and were encouraged to actively take advantage of them. Additionally, they were briefed on the various Google platforms and Opportunities available to them in getting to know more about Google. They were also introduced to the yearly Google Online Marketing Competition (GOMC) which will allow them the opportunity to have a practical experience with Google AdWords and how to handle online marketing as well as online business. A certificate of participation was awarded them after completion of the training.