Home Economics Students Association

Home Economics Students Association Observes "World Home Economics Day" on Campus

The Home Economics Students Association, (HESA) UCC Chapter, has marked the 2019 World Home Economics Day with a procession on campus.                                                                                           

The World Home Economics Days which falls on 21st March is used to sensitise and promote the Home Economics Profession. The theme for the 2019 celebration was “Creativity and Innovation in Home Economics for Sustainable Development". The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 aims at “Ensuring Healthy Lives and Promote Well-being for All at all Ages”  Fundamental to achieving the SDGs is the recognition that eradication of poverty and inequality, creating inclusive economic growth, preserving the planet and improving population health is not just linked but interdependent.

Procession with Placards

Members of HESA processed through the major streets on campus displaying placards with various inscriptions to sensitise members of the University Community and the general public on the career prospects of Home Economics and the role Home Economics students play in the society.

In an interview, a member of HESA, Ms. Rosemary Gyamfua, said the association was holding the procession to clear the misconception a lot of people especially students of other programmes had about Home Economics. “We have been able to bring to the understanding of our colleagues' and other people who think Home Economics is only about cooking” she noted.

Another member of HESA, Ms. Evelyn Ajaho, said the 2019 celebration was to showcase the creativity of students, therefore, students would hold an exhibition for the University Community and the general public to see the talents most of them possessed. She further indicated that the association would have a health screening and career seminar.