Vice-Chancellor at the fair

Hundreds turn up for Academia-Industry Research and Innovation Fair at UCC

An Academia-Industry Research and Innovation Fair to foster long-lasting collaboration and partnership between key stakeholders in Academia and Industry to impact society and humanity at large has been held at the University of Cape Coast (UCC).

The fair was on theme, "Accelerating Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in partnership with Industry." 

Put together by the Directorate of Research, Innovation and Consultancy (DRIC) in collaboration with the Design Thinking and Innovation Hub (D-Hub), the fair was aimed at bringing together the Academia, Industry and other key stakeholders to exhibit their products and services, interact and identify needs and potential solutions and products for the benefit of society and humanity.  

The two-day event took place at the New Examination Centre (NEC) at UCC and provided opportunity for exhibitors to showcase several creative research outputs and entrepreneurial initiatives.


 The Vice-Chancellor of UCC with dignitaries touring some of stands at the fair

The Vice-Chancellor of UCC with dignitaries touring some of stands at the fair

The fair had segmented stands to allow for easy identification of products and services. 

The fair was attended by academia, policymakers, opinion leaders, students and the general public, as well as second cycle educational and tertiary institutions and a host of non-governmental organizations.

Opening the fair, the Vice-Chancellor of UCC, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong noted that the gap in competencies in industry could only be reduced or closed through collaboration between academia and industry to address the scourge of graduate unemployment.

He said entrepreneurship was the main engine and driving force by which developing countries could catch up with the developed nations and, therefore, he was committed to making UCC an entrepreneurial university to enable students create their own businesses after school.

While praising seasoned researchers for producing creative research for the University, the Vice-Chancellor noted that the Fair would be a win-win outcome for all stakeholders.

The Director of DRIC, Prof. David Teye Doku, in a brief address, said DRIC had championed and supported research and innovation at all levels throughout the UCC.

According to him, DRIC had promoted and facilitated the adoption of innovation and research output for societal benefits over the past decade of its existence.

"DRIC and D-Hub are well positioned to provide training for faculty, staff, and students of the University throughout the entire research and innovation ecosystem, from ideation to product,"  Prof Doku continued.

Interacting with University reporters during the fair, most patrons were grateful for the initiative and called for regular organisation of fair at the University to bridge the yawning gap between academia and industry.

As part of the programme, Zenith bank presented a cheque for 150,000 cedis to support the fair.