Maiden Workshop of D-Hub underway

The maiden workshop for faculty, supporting staff and students of University of Cape Coast by the Design Thinking and Innovation Hub (D-Hub) is currently underway. The four (4) weeks session would equip participants with the requisite skills to use design thinking to come up with innovative solutions and ideas to address pertinent societal issues.


An initiative of the Office of the Vice Chancellor, UCC, D-Hub envisions to make the University of Cape Coast a world class entrepreneurial university. This vision focuses on addressing problems associated with graduate unemployment, job creation and economic growth.


Director of D-Hub, Dr. Keren Nana Abeka Arthur,  explained  design thinking as a methodology that focuses on identifying the  real needs of people and employing iterative processes of coming up with ideas and testing the ideas.


She stressed that collaboration is on the core of design thinking. If you want more ideas, you need to engage other people. You cannot sit alone and know it all. So it is a collaborative effort that requires everybody to come around and to be ready to open up and contribute” she said.

She added that one of the initiatives of D-Hub is the formation of an innovation club. Once the trainees have completed the course, they will form an innovation club and will be given access to facilities and materials available at the D-Hub. 


Dr. Arthur commended the participants for boldly joining the first cohort. “I would say it is a bold step to being a leader…We encourage them to practise, to take this out there and not put it on a shelf. They should practise because you get better as you use this methodology” she noted.

The director also hinted that at the end of the four weeks training programme, there will a launch of the Design Thinking and Innovative Hub on the 5th of April, 2022 at the University of Cape Coast.


About D-HUB, UCC

The mission of the Design Thinking and Innovation Hub (D-HUB) is to develop change agents in its community, stimulate the establishment and growth of start-up firms and other businesses as well as help solve societal problems through design thinking, technology transfer, diffusion of innovation and continuous improvement. Its objective is to use design thinking and entrepreneurship to support private sector growth and productivity as well as introduce new technologies and innovation in commercial and social enterprises.

An initiative of the Office of the Vice Chancellor, UCC, D-Hub envisions to make the University of Cape Coast a world class entrepreneurial university. This vision focuses on addressing problems associated with graduate unemployment, job creation and economic growth.