Students at the meeting

Management interacts with students

Management of the University of Cape Coast has held a consultative meeting with students.
The engagement was to find at firsthand their challenges and also build consensus  on issues of mutual interest.
In addition, the meeting was to explain policies and decisions of the University to the students.
A student interacting with the management
The meeting discussed issues of accommodation, internet connectivity on campus, late proposal defense,resit,  lecture halls, late release of results, among others.
The SRC president, Latif Lawrence Jorhowie, as well as GRASAG president, Adam Achire, read their reports.
Students had the opportunity to ask  questions, which were addressed by management.
In his address to the students, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong, described students as  key stakeholders for the forward match of the University.
He praised them for their comportment throughout the semester and encouraged them to acquit themselves honorably every academic year.
He told the students that management would address their concerns with dispatch.
Present at the meeting were the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Rosemond Boohene; Registrar, Mr. Jeff Teye Onyame; Director of Finance, Mrs. Elizabeth Obese;  Provosts, some Deans Directors, Hall Masters/Wardens, Heads of Section,  SRC/GRASAG and Juniour Common Room executives.