Muslim Chaplaincy of UCC observes Eid ul-Adha Prayers

The Muslim Chaplaincy of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) has held prayers to commemorate the 2024 Eid-ul-Adha celebration.

Eid-ul-Adha is the performance of a special communal prayer (Salat) in an open field by Muslims worldwide, to signify the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son Ismail (Ishmael) as an act of obedience to Allah’s command.

The prayer session was led by Imam Abdul Razak Zakaria, and was attended by members of the Muslim Chaplaincy, which comprises Muslim staff and members of the Ghana Muslim Students Association (GMSA) of the University. Believers of the Muslim faith from the surrounding communities of the University also participated in the religious event. This emphasised unity and mutual respect between the University and its catchment area.

The occasion was further significantly graced by the presence of the Chairman of the Chaplaincy Committee, Rev. Prof. Kankam Boadu, who represented both the Vice-Chancellor and University Management. Rev. Dr. Benjamin Amoani, a member of the Committee, and Dr. Patrick Quampah, the Secretary of the Chaplaincy Committee accompanied him. The SRC President, Mr. Vincent Kojo Siabi, and some of his executives also graced the religious event.

 Chairman of the Chaplaincy Committee, Rev. Prof. Kankam Boadu (in green stoal) with members of the committee in a photo with some Muslim members at the prayers

In his address, Rev. Prof. Boadu applauded the Muslim community for their exemplary peaceful coexistence and understanding with other faith groups on campus. He also conveyed a heartfelt goodwill message from the Vice-Chancellor, affirming the University’s commitment to promoting an inclusive academic environment.

The Eid-ul-Adha prayer session climaxed with a distribution of food items to the students and participants who exchanged greetings and pleasantries, reinforcing the bonds of community and fellowship.

Some notable senior members who joined the prayers with their families comprised; Alhaji Dr. Abdussalam Adam, Alhaji Mohammed Najimudeen Abdulai, Dr. Kaderi Norgah Bukari, Dr. Salifu Seidu-Larry, Dr. Arimiyaw Zakaria, and Dr. Saibu Mutaru. Others were Dr. Abdul-Lateef Yussif, Dr. Mohammed Nurudeen Alhassan, Dr. Kofi Atiah, Dr. Nana Fatimah Abubakari Von, Dr. (Mrs.) Alimatu-Saadia Yussif, Mr. Nuhu Alhassan, and Mr. Nasir Yaqub Entsie.

Source: Documentation and Information Section-UCC