New Head of UCC Fire Station pays official visit to Director of DCGS

The Director of the Directorate of Consular and General Services (DCGS) of University of Cape Coast, Mrs. Alberta Yaa Graham, has received in official visit the new District Fire Officer of UCC Fire Station, Divisional Fire Officer (DO) II, Ms. Dorinda Ackah.

The visit by DO II Ackah was to introduce herself to Mrs. Graham as the new District Fire Officer of the UCC Fire Station.

According to DO II Ackah, fire safety was a shared responsibility, and called for collaboration to reduce the incidents of fire in the country. She, however, stressed that firefighters on campus would continue to share key fire safety tips with the public, especially staff and students, to prevent undesired fires.

For her part, Mrs. Graham, after welcoming DO II Ackah, urged her to remain steadfast and committed to the mandate of the Ghana National Fire Service to save lives and property.

From left to right: Mr. Mumuni Yakubu, a Junior Assistant Registrar at DCGS and Secretary of Campus Security and Safety Committee; DOII Dorinda Ackah, Head of UCC Fire Service Station; Mrs. Alberta Yaa Graham, Director of DCGS; Mr. Francis Eyaa, Senior Fire Prevention Officer and Head of UCC Fire Safety Unit, and Mr. Ignatius P.K. Otsibu, Head of Consular and Immigration Services Section, DCGS.

Globally, she added, there had been a paradigm shift from firefighting to fire prevention.

The Director, therefore, advised firefighters to continuously educate the public on the need to adhere to fire safety protocols and regulations.

Mrs. Graham maintained that undesired fires were preventable provided every individual adhered to fire safety protocols. 

Present at the meeting with the Director of CGS-UCC were, Mr. Mumuni Yakubu, Junior Assistant Registrar, CGS-UCC and Mr. Ignatius P.K. Otsibu, Head of Consular and Immigration Services Section, CGS-UCC.


Source: Documentation and Information Section-UCC