Junior Assistant Registrars at the workshop

Registrar Opens 3-Day Orientation for Newly-Appointed Junior Assistant Registrars

The Ag. Registrar of the University, Mr. Ebenezer Aggrey has opened a three-day orientation for newly appointed Junior Assistant Registrars of the University of Cape Coast.

The training programme is aimed at building the capacities of the new cadre of administrative senior members on the University's policies, administrative procedures, and ensuring a smooth transition into their roles.

Addressing the orientation, Mr. Aggrey congratulated the new Senior Members on their appointments and charged them to work hard to justify their positions at the Registry of the University.

“Again, as you already know your appointment marks the beginning of a new chapter of your work life, one filled with prospects, challenges, and yet ripe with opportunities and threats. You have so worked hard to be at this new level...," he said.

The Registrar reminded the new Senior members that they represented the future of UCC and implored them to work hard to the best of their abilities.

“In order to distinguish yourself as a university administrator, you are advised to be regular and punctual at work and University ceremonies and functions, and add legwork to paperwork, he urged them"

He stated that " Although you have been going through orientation at different units of this University, this 3-day programme is to serve as a lodestar for your professional journey in this University and the resource persons who have been carefully selected are here to help you take off on a good note."

Mr. Aggrey encouraged them to take full advantage of the opportunities for collaboration and learning in the execution of their duties in the University.

He counselled them to engage in multidisciplinary research with colleague professionals in fields other than their own areas of specialisation.

 "You may readily recall the academic mantra, publish or perish, and understand that no matter how hard you work and bring out initiatives and innovation on your work, if you do not produce papers/publications, you technically retrogress.", he added.

 He stressed the importance of integrity and responsibility in the University, admonishing them to uphold the highest standards of academic honesty and ethical behaviour.

He urged them to embrace transfers and administrative reshuffles, which constitute an integral part of not only our administrative scheme but also professional growth and development, as a blessing in disguise and manage them well.

Some of the topics for the three day orientation are Duties/Roles of an Administrator before, during and after Committee meetings; Effective Management  of Faculties/Schools/Departments in the University of Cape Coast: Role of Faculty Officer; Administrative Structure and Channels of Communication at UCC; Professional Writing; Overview of Financial Management, Internal Audit and Risk Management;  Human Resource Practices; Legal Framework: University Laws, Statutes, Rules and Regulations.