In the first semester of every academic year, the Faculty organises a ROLL CALL ceremony aimed at inducting first year students. It is a gathering Faculty, students and parents and family members of students and some invited guests. Justices of Superior Courts are invited to swear in the students and also deliver keynote addresses. They also use the occation to admonish students of code of ethics and behaviour of the legal profession and also as law students of the Faculty of Law of the University of Cape Coast. The occasion is also used to honour hardworking students and to motivate the new students to take their academics seriously. Some invited guests to previous roll calls include: • 2015: Her Ladyship Mrs Nana Adwoa Coleman J • 2015: Her Ladyship Ms Sophia Akuffo JSC • 2014: His Lordship Mr Justice P. Ababio- High Court Sekondi • 2013: Justice James B. Benson-Former Supervising Judge of Central Region. • 2013: Nana Prah Agyensaim VI The roll call ceremony takes place on the third Friday in October every year. The 2016/2017 roll call ceremony is slated to take place on 21st October, 2016.