School of Graduate Studies New Building Complex to be Operational by End of 2021

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong has announced that the newly-constructed School of Graduate Studies Complex will become operational by the end of 2021.

Prof. Boampong stated that the new complex has state-of-the-art facilities that would help enhance postgraduate work within the University. He added that the structure represents one of the largest investments in postgraduate education in the University in recent times.

The Vice-Chancellor made the announcement when he delivered his address at the 11th Session of the 53rd Congregation at the University of Cape Coast held for the postgraduate students of the School of Graduate Studies.

A total of 2,416 graduating students from the School of Graduate Studies were awarded degrees at the ceremony.

Doctor of Philosophy 81

Master of Philosophy 208

Master of Commerce 34

Master of Nursing 7

Master of Education 871

Master of Business Administration 743

Master of Science 41

Master of Arts 273

Postgraduate Diploma in Education 52

Postgraduate Diploma in Security Studies 100

Postgraduate Certificate in Education 6


The Vice-Chancellor disclosed that the School of Graduate Studies had put in place a system that would allow electronic submission of thesis/dissertation instead of hardbound copies. This he noted would bring major improvement in the assessment process. He added that “As part of the preparation towards implementation of the system, staff and students have already been taken through some training”.        

The Vice-Chancellor noted that the University also entered into a collaboration with the Ghana Police Service to run Postgraduate Diploma in Security Studies (PGDSS) programme for cadet officers. He indicated that 100 graduates of the pioneer class were among the graduates of the 11th session of the 53rd Congregation.

Making some projections on graduate students’ intake, the Vice-Chancellor stated that the number of masters and PhD graduates would see significant increases in the coming years. He said the increase in numbers was an opportunity, which would work to the advantage of the University. “In line with our strategic plan, the University of Cape Coast will continue to put in place the required resources and strategies to ensure quality postgraduate education in all the areas of our mandate as a university,” he assured. 

Prof. Boampong commended the Brew Butler family for helping to establish a Research Fund in 2015, and expressed gratitude to the family for the effort to continue supporting postgraduate students in their research work. He said the fund had been a blessing to the School of Graduate Studies and the entire graduate student body. “I am happy to report that the number of beneficiaries has increased from 27 to 74 since disbursement started in 2017 with the highest awardee receiving an appreciable amount of GH¢5,500.00 in two tranches and the lowest receiving GH¢2,300.00” he disclosed.

The Vice-Chancellor asserted that the University was still grappling with inadequate residential facilities, office accommodation and lecture theatres.  He used the opportunity to appeal to the general public to partner with the University to address this challenge.

The Vice-Chancellor expressed appreciation to the members and staff of the School of Graduate Studies, the Board of the School and Academic Board for the tireless efforts in training higher caliber postgraduate students.