School of Nursing and Midwifery Honours First Class Students at Dean’s Award

The School of Nursing and Midwifery (SoNM) of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) has held the 2023/2024 Dean’s Award ceremony to celebrate students who have excelled academically.

 In all, 130 students who obtained a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.6 and above from level 200 to 400 received awards at the event.

A former Dean of the School of Medical Sciences (SMS-UCC), Prof (Mrs) Ivy Adwowa Efiefi Ekem, the guest speaker at the event, congratulated the awardees on their achievements and advised them to maintain high academic performance.

To those who did not get any award, she urged them not to be disheartened but to continue to strive for excellence.

Former Dean of the School of Medical Sciences, UCC, Prof (Mrs) Ivy Adwowa Efiefi Ekem

Prof. Ekem said the selfless service and commitment of nurses and midwives to serve the country during challenging times were commendable and inspiring.

She implored the student nurses and midwives to show care and empathy in their professional duties and to let the values inculcated in them by the School reflect in their actions.

The former Dean of SMS further advised the students to give their best in their service to humanity.


"Let your knowledge match your skills. Continue to learn from those you may think are less endowed. Relate well with everyone because good relationships matter," Prof. Ekem advised.

Dean of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Prof. Nancy Ebu Enyan (left) presenting an award to a student

The Dean of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Prof. Nancy Ebu Enyan, in her welcome address, said the award ceremony was designed to be an incentive for students in the School to continue to strive for excellence.

She urged the students to focus on their studies to become well-grounded professionals to serve Mother Ghana at all times.

The Dean encouraged the students to go the extra mile to acquire the necessary training and skills to enhance their professional capabilities.

She urged them to adopt good moral behaviours such as respect, tolerance and patience for their benefit now and in the future.

Source: Documentation and Information Section-UCC