School of Nursing Engages Students

The School of Nursing under the College of Health and Allied Sciences has engaged students of the School to know at first-hand their academic concerns, welfare and other issues confronting them on campus.  

The day’s engagement, dubbed: “Students-Management Consultative Meeting”, also afforded Management and faculty of the School the opportunity to familiarise with students, especially the level 100s.

Addressing the students, the Dean of the School, Dr. Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah, implored the students to take their clinical studies seriously and advised them to put up behaviours worthy of emulation at health facilities where they undergo their clinical training. She urged the student nurses to have a vision, set values and develop the right character and attitude towards their nursing education while advising them to avoid bad traits such as indecent dressing, lateness, and absenteeism

The Dean reminded them that nursing was a unique profession, which required a high level of commitment, compassion, empathy, and a demonstration of utmost care to achieve excellence in healthcare delivery. She, therefore, admonished them not to fall foul of the rules and regulations of the University and also urged them to strictly abide by the codes and ethics of the profession.

Dr. Obir-Yeboah entreated them to contribute their quota towards “fanning the candlelight bequeathed to nurses and midwives by the mother of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale, who earned the name the lady of the lamp as a result of her professionalism”. She challenged the students to make the best use of their academic life in order to realise their ambitions.

The Dean ceased the opportunity to highlight both academic and social activities earmarked for the School for the Second Semester of the 2019/20 Academic Year and called on the students to actively participate in the activities.

 Dr.  Mrs. Obiri-Yeboah used the occasion to introduce to the students the new Faculty officer of the School, Mrs. Bernice Aba Owusu-Sekyere.

The students raised issues concerning their timetables, Incomplete results (ICs), association dues, dress codes, name tags, class attendance, transportation to clinical training, amongst others which were addressed by the Dean and other Heads of Department of the School.