Postgraduate students at Cape Coast Study Centre

Third Engagement Session between SGS Management and CoDE Postgraduate Students held in Central and Western Regions

In response to the growing demand for enhanced support and engagement for all postgraduate students of the University of Cape Coast, the Management of the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) has begun an engagement session with postgraduate students of the College of Distance Education (CoDE).

The third engagement session for the 2023/2024 Academic year was held with postgraduate students in Cape Coast and Takoradi Study Centres of CoDE.

Led by the Dean of SGS, Prof. Sarah Darkwa, the team took the students through an overview of UCC and academic structure, Academic Policies and Regulations for Graduate Studies and advised them on how they would succeed in their academic endeavours.

Postgraduate students of Cape Coast Centre at the Engagement Session

Other members of the SGS team were: Vice-Dean, Prof. Ruphino Zugle; Coordinator for Postgraduate Programmes at CoDE, Dr. Felix Kumedzro; Senior Assistant Registrar, Mr. John Linscell Yen; Accountant, Mrs. Mavis Opoku-Boadu and Assistant Registrar, Mr. Isaac Yeboah Nsaful.

In her remarks during the separate meetings with the postgaraduate students in Cape Coast and Takoradi, Prof. Sarah Darkwa noted that the SGS Management decided to embark on this exercise to create a strong bond between the distance postgraduate students and the School of Graduate Studies in particular and the University of Cape Coast in general.

She noted that SGS recognised the unique challenges faced by students studying via distance mode and therefore, it was extremely important to prioritise regular communication and interaction with them irrespective of their geographical location in Ghana.

Dean of SGS, Prof. Sarah Darkwa, speaking at the engagement session at the Cape Coast Centre

“We are aware that frequent interaction between students and their academic institutions will lead to improved student satisfaction, higher retention rates, and enhanced academic performance. We are here to listen to your challenges and suggestions to improve our services so you can sail through your academic journey at UCC,” she explained.

Postgraduate students of Cape Coast Centre at the Engagement Session

She congratulated the students on their successful admission to the number one University in Ghana, West Africa and among the best ten universities in Ghana.

The Vice-Dean of SGS, Prof. Ruphino Zugle noted that the School was responsible for coordinating postgraduate studies in UCC. He explained that the school liaised with the relevant Departments/School/Faculty/Colleges to deliver quality academic services to postgraduate students.

Vice-Dean of SGS, Prof. Ruphino Zugle speaking at the function

He said the core function of SGS included admission of students, regulations for postgraduate education at UCC, appointment of internal and external supervisors for students’ theses, approval of students results for the award of degrees among others.

“In essence, we handle your entry, stay and exit from UCC” he noted and advised the students to be committed with their studies.

Addressing the students, the Coordinator of Postgraduate Programmes at CoDE, Dr. Felix Kumedzro, told the students that the interaction session had now been institutionalised to draw the students closer to the University.

“Our visit underscores the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive academic environment for all postgraduate students regardless of their physical location” he stressed.

Dr. Kumedzro called on the students to take advantage of the presence of the team to ask all the relevant questions on issues affecting their studies as postgraduate.

Coordinator of Postgraduate Programmes at CoDE, Dr. Felix Kumedzro addressing students

The Senior Assistant Registrar at SGS, Mr. John Yen, told the students that the University would continue to fulfil its responsibility of providing quality academic services.

Mr. Yen reminded them to also reciprocate that by adhering to the rules, regulations and policies governing students’ activities in UCC.

Senior Assistant Registrar at SGS, Mr. John Yen speaking at the Engagement Session with postgraduate students at Takoradi Centre

“At the School of Graduate Studies, we will also perform our role to ensure that you have the best of experience and graduate successfully to achieve your dreams and aspirations in your career and life,” Mr. Yen noted.

On financial matters, the Accountant at SGS, Mrs. Mavis Opoku Boadu, reminded the students to settle their financial obligations adding that, “this will enable the university to serve you better”.

Mrs. Boadu mentioned that the University relied on students’ fees to run most of its activities and infrastructural projects.

Accountant at SGS, Mrs. Mavis Opoku Boadu speaking about financial matters

“Paying your fees will help you to avoid any difficulties and to stay focused on your studies without any distractions. You should always save and possibly seek financial assistance from family and friends to cover your postgraduate education” she advised.

The team with a section of students from the Takoradi Study Centre

The Assistant Registrar at SGS, Mr. Isaac Yeboah Nsaful, explained the general regulations for the award of higher degrees, duration, mode of delivery and structure of programmes and requirements for graduation.

Elaborating on channels of communication with SGS, Mr. Nsaful told the students to channel all issues through their Centre Coordinators to the Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies at CoDE then to SGS.

“Our doors are ready for you concerning issues of your postgraduate studies but we’ll encourage you to use the appropriate structures to reach us” he emphasised.

The President of Graduate Students Association of Ghana (GRASAG), UCC chapter, Mr. Kwabena Adjepong, explained that the association was the mother body for all graduate students.

He noted that the association would continue to project the interest of students of all its members.

We are making efforts to actively involve CoDE postgraduate students in activities of GRASAG.

The team addressed concerns of students and also noted down suggestions from students during the interaction sessions.

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