Top Management of Zenith Bank Ghana Limited meets Vice-Chancellor of UCC

The Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer (MD/CEO) of Zenith Bank Ghana Limited, Mr. Henry Onwuzurigbo, has met with the Vice-Chancellor of University of Cape Coast, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong.

Accompanied by the Bank’s Executive Director, Mr. Clifford Mensah and its Divisional Head, Mr. Kofi A. Kokroko, the MD/CEO told the Vice-Chancellor that the visit was to first, extend appreciation to the University for the cordial relation that has existed between them over the years. He noted that the Bank was equally grateful for the belief and trust UCC has reposed in it as well as the support it continues to enjoy from the University.

He also indicated that the Bank looked forward to further deepening its relations with UCC by collaborating in varied areas that could potentially augment the ultimate goals of both parties.

“…collaboration is the new form of competition and so we are here to discuss how Zenith Bank could collaborate with UCC and what strategies are needed to enhance both institutions”, Mr. Onwuzurigbo explained.




























MD/CEO of Zenith Bank Ghana Limited, Mr. Henry Onwuzurigbo speaking at the meeting. Looking on is the Executive Director of the Bank, Mr. Clofford Mensah.

The MD/CEO also asked the Vice-Chancellor and other members of management not to hesitate to point out areas necessary for the Bank to improve in its line of business.

Mr. Onwuzurigbo was full of praises for the successes the University had chalked over the years especially, the 2022 Times Higher Education World University Rankings which adjudged UCC as the number one university in Ghana, number one in West Africa, fourth in Africa and among the top four hundred universities in the world.

Vice-Chancellor of UCC, Prof. Nyarko Boampong, in his remarks, also thanked the Bank for its support to the University community.

He was quick, however, to indicate that improvement of infrastructure within the University was a key agendum by management hence, the need for the Bank to collaborate with the University in resolving its challenges with residential facilities for students.




























The MD/CEO of Zenith Bank Ghana Limited presenting a gift to the VC-UCC, Prof. Nyarko Boampong

“UCC has a population of more than twenty-five thousand students and only a quarter of this number is accommodated by the University. The others have to find accommodation in the communities surrounding the University. So, Zenith should think of collaboration along this line and UCC is ready to negotiate with you to address the student accommodation dearth”, Prof. Nyarko Boampong said.

Responding to the Vice-Chancellor’s request, the MD/CEO of Zenith Bank requested for a meeting with a Project team from the University since his team was ready to commence discussions on how best the Bank could support to make up for the accommodation deficit the University was faced with.

Both parties exchanged souvenirs from their respective outfits.

The Vice-Chancellor of UCC was at the meeting with the Registrar, Mr. Jeff Teye Emmanuel Onyame and the Director of Finance, Mrs. Elizabeth Obese.

Source: Documentation and Information Section-UCC