Participants at the workshop

UCC Business Incubator Hosts Entrepreneurship Training Tour

The University of Cape Coast Business Incubator (UCCBI) has hosted an entrepreneurship training programme organised by the Ghana Hubs Network under the title “25 Days of Wow; A Regional Ecosystem Tour.” 

In his welcome address, the Head, Centre for Entrepreneurship and Small Enterprise Development (CESED), Dr. Mavis Benneh Mensah, stated that it has been the centre’s mandate to strategically promote entrepreneurship for national development. She also explained that CESED was ready to collaborate with both local and international stakeholders in the pursuit of its’ mandate through entrepreneurship education and training, business incubation, entrepreneurial finance, eco-entrepreneurship, research and publication. Dr. Benneh Mensah urged the participants to fully contribute and express their views on the success of the programme. 

Purpose of the Programme

The Coordinator, UCCBI, Dr. Edward Amarteifio, said “The training is being organised to bring together all stakeholders of entrepreneurship including innovators, hub managers and entrepreneurial support stakeholders to dialogue and understand the impact of hubs, the 10 pillars of the draft (National Entrepreneurial Policy), and identify innovative startups for network-wide support.”  He was hopeful that the programme would help facilitate the implementation of the National Entrepreneurial Policy and to create funding opportunities for small businesses.

UCC, University of Plymouth Partnership

In a message, a lecturer at UCC School of Business, Dr. (Mrs.) Gloria Agyapong, hinted that as part of promoting Entrepreneurship and Small Enterprise Development to augment economic growth, UCC and the University of Plymouth have been in partnership to provide training for incubators across the country. She charged the participants to take the training seriously in order to get informed and educated in Entrepreneurship and Small Enterprise Development.

Participants at the training programme were farmers, students, Regional Chamber of Commerce, Business Incubators, Central Region Development Commission (CEDECOM) and Regional Chamber of Commerce. The National Board for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI) and National Youth Employment Agency were among the major stakeholders invited for the programme.