UCC confers honorary degree on HE Ambassador Chihombori-Quao

The University of Cape Coast (UCC) has conferred an Honorary Doctorate Degree on HE Ambassador Chihombori-Quao, MD FAAFP, at a special congregation.

She was honoured for her meritorious and distinguished service to humanity and the African continent.

The honorary award was also in recognition of her initiatives to unify people of African descent, establish health facilities, advocate the African narrative, and contribute significantly to health, education, and entrepreneurship.

Addressing the congregation, Ambassador Chihombori-Quao expressed profound gratitude and humility for the honour done to her.

HE Ambassador Chihombori-Quao being robed by the Chancellor, Dr. (Sir) Sam Jonah (behind HE); Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong (L) and the Ag. Registrar, Mr. Ebenezer Aggrey (R)

“It is with considerable gratitude and sincere humility that I appear before you today, honoured to receive this prestigious honorary doctorate from the University of Cape Coast,” she said.

Ambassador Chihombori-Quao, who addressed the 14th Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Lectures on the theme: “Imperialism, Colonisation, and Neo-colonialism – The Three Axis of Evil for Africa,” stressed that African men had failed the women on the continent and called for gender parity to bridge the yawning gap between men and women in leadership positions.

“We must take our position as women at the table and to you women I say, if men will not give you a chair at the table, take the chair... No more shall we allow men to look at us as second class”, she added.

HE Ambassador Chihombori-Quao in a group shot with some females after the conferment of her honorary degree

Ambassador Chihombori-Quao admonished women to take up leadership positions in society irrespective of the challenges they might face, provided they were qualified for such positions.

She charged African youth to replace their leaders if they proved incompetent.

“If your leadership is misusing your natural resources and is not representing you on the world stage, replace them,” she added.

Ambassador Chihombori-Quao urged university students across Africa to read books on Kwame Nkrumah and Pan-Africanism. She also used the occasion to appeal to universities in Africa to introduce a book authored by a former CIA Agent titled: “Confession of Economic Treatment.”

A section of students from some invited senior high schools at the event

The Chancellor of UCC, Dr. Sam Jonah, in his remarks, said the deficit of leadership at every level in Africa was undermining the progress of the continent and acknowledged that his generation had failed the youth on the continent

“If we do not acknowledge that we have messed up we cannot progress and on behalf of my generation, I tell you we have messed you up,” she said.

 He used the chance to prevail upon young Africans to shoot questions at politicians who come to their homes to seek their votes.


“When the leaders come and ask you for your votes, ask them what their vision is for this country and what their vision is for Africa,” Dr. Jonah added.

Chancellor of UCC, Dr. (Sir) Sam Esson Jonah addressing the youth at the Special Congregation

The President of the UCC Alumni Association, Mr. Samuel Akoto, also led HE Ambassador Chihombori-Quao to take the alumni oath.


Source: Documentation and Information Section-UCC