Vice-Chancellor holds reception for UCC Youngsters

The Players and technical handlers of UCC Youngsters FC have been treated to some good music and great cuisine as they gear up for the upcoming 2024/25 Access Bank Division One League season.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong was present at the dinner reception to give UCC Youngsters a pep talk and charged the players to distinguish themselves in the forthcoming second-tier league, which kicks off on September 27, 2024. 

He assured the team of the University management's unwavering support to ensure they compete favourably in the league.

"I assure you that management of the University is solidly behind you. You have a unique opportunity to make the University proud and write your names in letters of gold.  I believe you can do it with much focus, discipline and determination. I wish you the best of luck in the league”, he added.

 Prof. Boampong urged the players to prepare very well for the league and was hopeful they would justify the trust reposed in them by football enthusiasts, insisting, “I can see great potential in our players."

Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong addressing the team

The Vice-Chancellor said on a broader scale, good preparation by the players would improve upon their performance in the league and advised them to eschew complacency, to confront and surmount the challenge of contest at the upcoming Division One League.

He, however, tasked them to follow their training regimen prescribed by their coach in order not to lose their fitness since physical exercise was beneficial to their success.

For his part, UCC Youngsters skipper Lucas Tatul thanked the Vice-Chancellor for his motivational support.

He highlighted the commitment of the players, evidenced in the second division middle league, as a promising sign to make UCC proud in the first division league.

The Head of the Sports Section, Miss Janet Bekoe, expressed appreciation to the Vice-Chancellor for his words and acts of encouragement.

She reassured him of the team's dedication and readiness for the upcoming league.

Dignitaries, including the acting Registrar, Mr. Ebenezer Aggrey; the Provost of the College of Health and Allied Sciences, Prof. Martins Ekor and the Dean of the Faculty of Educational Foundations, Prof. Godwin Awabil, graced the occasion. 

 A section of the team at the event

On Sunday, September 29, newly promoted UCC Youngsters will slug it out with Sekyere Central District (Beposo) based Asekem FC at the Cape Coast Sports Stadium.

Division One League

The 2024/25 season, which will conclude on Monday, June 2, 2025, will consist of 30 weekends with No Official Midweek Matchday. 

This policy is aimed at lessening the travel burden on clubs. The midweek will be used to clear rescheduled games.

Source: Documentation and Information Section-UCC