The Department of Biomedical Sciences has organised an exhibition to showcase products and activities of the students. The exhibition attracted a large number of patrons, including students and staff of the University to the forecourt of the Sam Jonah Library, to see at first hand the products displayed by exhibitors, who are students from the Department. Some of the products displayed by the students were medicated hair shampoos, medicated soaps, herbal bitters, medicated body lotion, hair creams, anti-malaria and immune system syrups, among others.

A two-day training workshop aimed at building the capacity of Hall Counsellors, Chaplaincy Committee and new Members of the Sexual Harassment Committee has ended with a call on participants to place priority on their safety and that of their clients. Organised by the Centre for Gender Research, Advocacy and Documentation (CEGRAD), the workshop was held to educate participants on how to handle sexual harassment cases among staff and students of the University. “The immediate safety of your client and your own safety should be your first priority.

A two-day Training Workshop for Quality Assurance Officers of the various Colleges of Education has opened at the University. The theme of the workshop is “Technical and Facilitating factors for the Implementation of Quality Assurance in Colleges of Education”. It is being organized by the Institute of Education, University of Cape Coast (UCC). The Workshop is aimed at providing hands-on activities, as a way of promoting best practices that would enhance students’ learning experience, and thus safeguard academic standards and quality in Colleges of Education.

Panelists at a Roundtable discussion have unanimously posited that the Arts have huge part to play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals(SDG). The roundtable, which was organised under the SDG –Graduate School, has three main collaborators in University of Cape Coast, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria and University of Heldsheim, Germany. Under the collaboration, 12 PHD students and 6 masters students will be trained in the first instance. The theme for the discussion was “The Role of the Arts in Sustainable Development” and had panelists drawn from both academia and industry.

Panelists at a Roundtable discussion have unanimously posited that the Arts have huge part to play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals(SDG). The roundtable, which was organised under the SDG –Graduate School, has three main collaborators in University of Cape Coast, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria and University of Heldsheim, Germany. Under the collaboration, 12 PHD students and 6 masters students will be trained in the first instance. The theme for the discussion was “The Role of the Arts in Sustainable Development” and had panelists drawn from both academia and industry.

The Distance Students Association of Ghana (DESAG) of the College of Distance Education has launched an Endowment and Scholarship Fund to support brilliant but needy students. "Raising our Dreams Higher: A Shared Responsibility", was the theme for the launch, which was held at the College of Distance Education (CoDE) Conference Room. Speaking at the launch, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof.

The Directorate of University Health Services (DUHS) and the School of Medical Sciences (SMS) have agreed to collaborate to improve health care delivery in the University. Under the agreement, House Officers from SMS will undertake housemanship at the University Hospital. Also clinical students from the SMS will use the facility for their training. Again, specialists and Medical consultants from SMS will render medical services to the University Hospital to improve healthcare delivery and expand the services of the Hospital.

A capacity training workshop has been held for members of the Executive Council of the Federation of Senior Staff Association of Ghana (FUSSAG) to equip them in the delivery of their duties.

Stakeholders in the Agricultural sector have begun discussions on the establishment of Sustainable Funding Mechanism (SFM) for agricultural research and extension in Ghana at a consultative meeting at the University of Cape Coast. Over the last few years, most agricultural research, production and extension programmes have been funded through the benevolence of donor agencies like World Bank. Currently, the World Bank is sponsoring one of such agricultural project known as West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP).

A visiting Professor at the Department of Educational Foundations, Prof. Joshua Adebisi Omotosho, has called on teachers to use songs as part of their pedagogy. According to him, songs have unique qualities which make content stick in the brain more than other form of delivery and therefore asked for the conversion of critical areas of learning into songs for easy recollection.
