The School of Nursing and Midwifery has organised a dinner for both faculty members and students from the Kirkhof College of Nursing, Grand Valley State University (GVSU), USA. The visiting students and faculty were in Ghana for an outreach programme to familiarise themselves with the Ghanaian healthcare systems. The collaboration between the Department of Nursing and Midwifery and the GVSU Public Health Nursing which started in 2013 is aimed at establishing and improving partnership with both local and international collaborators in the area of Public Health.

The chiefs and people of Agona Asafo in the Central Region have installed the Vice President of Auburn University, Alabama, United States of America as Nkosuohene (development chief). The newly installed chief, known in private life as Dr. Royrickers Cook was given the stool name Nana Kwesi Cook I. Giving the background to the installation, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. George K. T. Oduro said during a visit to Alabama, Dr. Cook expressed interest in the development of Africa so he in- turn invited him to Asafo so that he would help with the development of the town.

The University of Cape Coast (UCC) and Auburn University, USA, have held a day's colloquium to solicit views on how the two universities can embark on outreach programmes to assist communities they found themselves. The colloquium created the platform for the two institutions to learn from each other about issues and challenges associated with outreach programmes and to help improve on the quality of outreach services rendered to their respective countries. The Vice-President for University Outreach and Associate Provost, Auburn University, Dr.

The University of Cape Coast (UCC) House of Parliament has won the 2017 Commonwealth Day Debate Competition. The debate was organised by the Ghana House of Parliament to commemorate this year's Commonwealth Day, which fell on 13 March at the International Conference Center in Accra.

The Minister for Railway Development, Joe Ghartey has stated that government does not have money to embark on infrastructure development and will therefore invite private sector to help. This he said, must however be backed by a robust law to manage such investment by the private sector. The minister was speaking at the 4th Jurists’ Confab organised by the Faculty of Law of the College of Humanities and Legal Studies of the University.

A four-member delegation from Access Bank has paid a courtesy call on the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. George K.T Oduro. The delegation, which was led by Mr. Kafui Bimpe, the Group Head, Business Banking, came to discuss ways of developing a collaboration that will be beneficial to both institutions. Mr. Bimpe said the bank would want to put up a branch office on campus to serve the University community. He said the bank was ready to partner the University in the area of collection of School fees, project development assistance and provision of mortgage facilities to staff.

Daniel François Díaz, the Director & International Student Advisor of the Study Abroad Office at Guilford College, paid a visit to the UCC from 16th to 17th March, 2017.  Guilford College, North Carolina, USA, and UCC has had a long history of exchanges which has made such a partnership a very successful one. Among the many reasons for this visit included;

1. To get acquainted and become familiar with all involved in the Guilford-UCC Programme. 2. To discuss the decline in the number of students coming to UCC from Guilford College.

The University of Cape Coast (UCC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Auburn University (AU), USA, to deepen the collaboration between the two institutions. By the MoU, the two institutions will encourage and support faculty and student exchanges; training of faculty and students through outreach and in conjunction with UCC; teaching and research through Educational Foundations.

The College of Distance Education will commence a top up in M. Phil and M. Com programmes from October 2017. This will therefore present opportunity to those who have obtained M. Ed and MBA degrees to enroll. Meanwhile, accreditation is also being sought to enable the College introduce M. Phil in IT Education to upgrade the existing M.Ed. IT programme. The Vice-Chancellor, Prof.

The University of Cape Coast (UCC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Johann Wolfgang (JW) Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main in Germany. The MoU is to facilitate students and faculty exchange, as well as collaborative research projects and curriculum development between the Department of Ghanaian Languages and Linguistics, UCC and the Institute of African Languages of Goethe University.
