A training workshop on the theme “Gender Sensitive Ethical Practice in Health Care Delivery” has been held for health practitioners and managers at the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital (CCTH).

A training workshop on the operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for scientific analysis and coastal environmental planning is currently underway at the Centre for Coastal Management (CCM). The purpose of the training is to build the capacity of UCC staff in all aspects of UAV operations. The training covers Ghanaian flight regulations, flight safety, UAV handling and flight control, mission planning and image acquisition and post-processing.

The Co-ordinator of Auburn University Outreach Global, Ms. Elizabeth Quansah together with Prof. Dr. Forbes, and two Ph.D students, (Kristine Nicole, and Ashley Mills Duffy) have interacted with IEPA academic staff and post-graduate students. This was a follow up on discussions held with IEPA in May, 2015 when a delegation from Auburn University visited IEPA and the Director’s reciprocal visit to Auburn University on 13th March, 2017. The discussions were mainly on the outreach service learning programme being planned between Auburn and IEPA.

A team from the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA) paid a working visit to the Deputy Minister for Pre-Tertiary Education in the person of Honorable Dr. Osei Adutwum. Led by the Dean of the School of Educational Development and Outreach (Prof. Ernest Davis), the team visited the Minster to re-establish the relationship that exists between the Ministry of Education and IEPA.

"The society stands to benefit from the higher knowledge you have acquired; be readily available to contribute to the growth of our economy", Dr. Nicodemus Osei Owusu, a lecturer, said this at Finalist Dinner 2017. The undergraduate final year students of School of Business were treated to a dinner on Thursday, 20th April, 2017 at New Examination Centre (NEC), University of Cape Coast. About 850 people attended the event including the finalists, lecturers and administrative staff of the School.

A students’ exposition was held at C. A. Ackah complex on 2nd May, 2017 on the Theme “Promoting Students’ Creativity and Innovation”. The main objective of the Students’ Expo was to create a platform for graduate students of the IEPA to showcase their original work to members of the University Community and the general public and demonstrate the results of student research, scholarship and creative activities inside and outside of the classroom as part of their assessment for two courses : Contemporary issues in Higher Administration and Student Personnel Services.

The Institute for Educational Planning and Administration has as its mandate to conduct research, provide innovative and quality professional training and consultancy aimed at improving educational practitioners’ capabilities and levels of competence and involvement in their areas of operations for sustainable development in both the public and private sectors. Through seminars, workshops and university teaching, the IEPA is expected to train leaders, planners and administrators, as well as experts and generalists in the field of education.   In particular, IEPA primarily aims to:
