A Professor of Development Economics at the School for Development Studies, Prof. John Victor Mensah, has decried the incessant politicisation of the country’s industrialisation by succesive governments.

Analysing the trend of performance of the industrial sector under various governments from the era of independence to date, Prof. Mensah described Ghana’s industrialisation as largely rhetoric.

Prof. Mensah made these statements when he delivered his Inaugural Lecture on the topic “Ghana’s Industrialisation-Rhetoric or Reality?”

Chief Invigilators from the University have left campus to supervise Access Course examinations for Post Nurse Assistance Clinical (NAC) and Nurse Assistance Preventive (NAP) in four Nursing and Midwifery Training Colleges (NMTC) in the country.

The examinations would be held from Monday, November 4 to Wednesday November 7, 2018, at the Cape Coast NMTC, Atibie NMTC in the Eastern Region, Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital NMTC, Kumasi and Tamale Teaching Hospital NMTC, Tamale.  

The immediate former Vice-Chancellor of the University, Prof. D. D. Kuupole, has called on the University to enhance its engagement with communities to address challenges affecting them.

Prof. Kuupole said it was important for the University to strengthen its engagement with communities within and beyond the institution’s geographical boundaries in all aspects of their livelihood for optimum satisfaction.

The School of Nursing and Midwifery has held a consultative forum to discuss pertinent issues relating to academics and students’ welfare.

Addressing the students, the Dean, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Dr. Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah, urged the students to report issues concerning their academics on campus and clinicals in various health facilities for redress.  She urged them to comport themselves and reminded them that their ultimate goal in the University was to excel and impact positively on the lives of people after their studies.

The Directorate of Finance Welfare Association has launched its 25th Anniversary Celebration at Auditorium 900, C. A. Ackah Lecture Theatre.

Launching the Silver Jubilee, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Joseph Ghartey Ampiah, wished the Association well in their activities. He urged members of the Association not to be spectators but participate fully in activities of the anniversary.     


The Centre for Gender Research, Advocacy and Documentation (CEGRAD) has organised a two-day workshop on the  Sexual Harassment .

The Coordinator, Advocacy & Outreach, Dr. Georgina Yaa Oduro, indicated that the workshop was to deliberate and brainstorm on matters relating to ‘Sexual Harassment’ and the ‘Sexual Harassment Policy’ of the University.

Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. George K. T. Oduro, has stressed the need to encourage the study and speaking of French in Ghana to enhance the country’s international image. He noted that “It is unfortunate that Ghana is surrounded by Francophone countries, but most Ghanaians have not taken advantage of the French language”

The Students’ Representative Council has held the 2018 edition of its Leadership Summit for students of the University on the theme “The Role of Student Leaders in Nation Building”..
Speaking at the summit on the topic “Student Leaders as the Pioneers of Sustainable Development”, the Minister for Information, Mr. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, noted that in every society, leaders emerge adding that “It is the nature of men to have leaders”.
