This course is designed to provide the student nurse with knowledge in sociological concepts and their influence on health and diseases. It is to help the student to better understand society in a disciplined way and the social forces which shape and constrain lives. It stresses on the social, economic, political and cultural impact on the health status of individuals.
This course is an elementary Microbiology course designed to aid the student in understanding the characteristics and activities of microorganisms and their relationship to health and disease. A concurrent practical component enables students to view micro-organisms in a laboratory setting.
The course presents basic concepts and principles of Basic Speech Communication applicable to professional nursing practice, including interpersonal skills; basic interviewing skills; and preparation and delivery of informal presentations. The relationship of the concepts and principles of Basic Speech Communication to Therapeutic Communication, Counselling and Guidance in Professional Nursing Practice will be examined.
This course will equip the students with knowledge and skills to enable them to recognize the need for basic emergency care and provide prompt and competent care for accident victims. The professional nurse’s role and responsibilities for victims of natural disasters will be addressed. Principles of bandaging for emergency victims will be included as a part of the course.
This course is taken concurrently with NUR 219 Students will spend six (6) hours per week learning the fundamental technical and health assessment skills necessary to meet the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of the client. They will have opportunities to apply the nursing process. Practical experience will be on-campus in the Demonstration Room or on an assigned clinical unit under the supervision of nurse technicians and clinicians. Demonstrations with return demonstration of required nursing skills will be included in the course.
This course is designed to introduce the student to professional nursing practice. The course will provide a foundation for progression through the programme with emphasis on; wellness, health promotion and health maintenance strategies that promote healthy lifestyles and meet basic human needs of individuals and families. Students will be introduced to fundamental concepts including therapeutic communication, caring, culture, and the nursing process.
The course is designed to equip the students with fundamental knowledge about the processes of human growth and development. It will expose the learners to the principles of growth and development, factors that influence the nature and direction of growth and development at the prenatal and post natal levels. Relevant psychological knowledge concerning theories in human development will be discussed
This course is designed as a study of the general function and physiological processes of the normal human body as applicable to health care. Functions of human life processes at the cellular, tissue, and organ-system levels of organisation with emphasis on homeostatic mechanisms will be considered.
This course is designed as a study of functional Human Anatomy of the normal human body as applicable to health care. The major body systems are studied with emphasis on the concept of homeostasis and the relationship of structure and function.