The Network and Infrastructure Section which used to be called the Computer Centre was established in 1975 as a service unit within the University. It is situated on the ground floor of the Science Building Complex. In 1998, the centre became Semi-Academic in status to emphasise the role of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the university and the place of Computer Science or computing in the curriculum at all levels.

Currently, it is a dependable lighthouse providing the appropriate Information Communication Technology (ICT) services, computer information and computer management skills to the university and its surrounding communities.

The Section serves the university community in a variety of ways including:

  1. Computer Security
  2. Computer & Network Maintenance [MEB Request]
  3. Informatics Instruction
  4. Computer Auditing
  5. Research Support
  6. Advisory Services
  7. Web Programming & Designing
  8. Software Development
  9. Networking & Communication
  10. Information and Technology Literacy