The Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. George K. T. Oduro has called on members of the National Executive Council of University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) to complement management’s effort to enhance the reputation of the Universities of Ghana both locally and internationally.

The Sam Jonah Library is organising series of workshops for all categories of staff to build their capacity.

The series of workshops are aimed at introducing staff to new developments in the operation of the library.

Activity areas for the workshops are “Reference Management Software Workshop (Mendeley),” “Abstracting, E-Resource Tools for Next Generation Librarians”, “Customer Care/Service” and ‘Cataloguing”. Participants are drawn from all the satellite libraries in the various colleges/ faculty/schools/departments in the University.

The Vice-Chancellor Prof. D. D. Kuupole has paid working visit to some Colleges of Education (CoE) in the Volta, Eastern and Greater Accra Regions to strengthen the long-standing relationship between the University of Cape Coast and the Colleges.

Officials from Central University led by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Kwesi Yankah have met with the management of the University of Cape Coast to express their gratitude for the tremendous support offered them during their mentoring period.   Prof. Yankah was full of commendation for UCC for the strong presence of mind and deep knowledge about mentoring institutions and hoped that fortitude would be extended to all who fall under their mentorship. “UCC has taken us through all the crucial stages of mentorship, what is left is for us to put into practice what we have been taught”.  

A two-member delegation from the British Council has paid a courtesy call on the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. G. K. T. Oduro at his office.   The visit was meant to explore possible ways of the collaboration between UCC and the British Council. The team comprised Assistant Director, Emily Sawle Thomas and Project Delivery Manager, Christiana Bandoh.  

The College of Distance Education in Collaboration with the College of Education Studies has organised the second in the series of the annual Easter Forum at the university.

This 2016 forum was on the theme “Early Childhood Care and Development: Strengthening Best Practices, Innovation and Research in Ghana”.

The final year group of the M.Ed. Educational Administration (Sandwich) of the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA) have presented a set of visitors’ chairs and table to the institute. The group totalling 260 were represented by their course reps at the ceremony. The group presented the set of furniture to the IEPA as part of their effort to maintain IEPA as the lead institute in the training of Educational Administrators and Planners in Ghana in the sub-region.   The Director (Dr. Mrs.

An alumnus of the University of Cape Coast, Dr. Daniel A. Wubah has been appointed as the President of Millersville University in the United States of America.

The Board of Governors of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education unanimously selected Dr. Daniel A. Wubah, a former provost and senior adviser to the president of Washington and Lee University, to be the next president of Millersville University of Pennsylvania, effective July 1.
