Management of University of Cape Coast (UCC) is calling on security agencies to invite Nana Kwesi Mensah III, Chief of Kwaprow, one of the communities surrounding the University. The invitation is to interrogate and seek further proof from the said chief over claims of ownership of some portions of the University’s lands.

Fifty-seven (57) postgraduate research students of the School of Graduate Studies, University of Cape Coast (UCC) have been awarded GHS 300,000 research grant to enable them produce timely and quality research work.

In response to calls by government and stakeholders to promote Science, Technology and Mathematics Education (STEM) in Ghana, the College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences (CANS) of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) is introducing new engineering programmes.

The new programmes would be offered by the proposed School of Sustainable Engineering (SSE) to be established under CANS.

The Department of History has inaugurated a Research Commons to enhance academic output of students and researchers of the Department.

The Research Commons affords researchers access to a state of the art technology, Microsoft Office Applications and Hardware facilities such as desktop computers, laptops, laser printing, digital projector and screen as well as photocopier machine.

Officials of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) have met with the University of Cape Coast over formalizing a consensus to convert research findings of the University into policy briefs. This is to strengthen the FDA’s resolve to enhance public health safety.

The UCC team, led by the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Mrs. Rosemond Boohene, welcomed the initiative by the FDA whose delegation was led by the Lead for its Research Department, Rev. Dr. Cheetham Mingle.

The Sam Jonah Library team emerged the overall winner in this year's University of Cape Coast (UCC) Staff Games held at the UCC Stadium.

The Library team bagged three (3) gold and 2 bronze medals.

Around fifteen (15) teams consisting of Directorates, Colleges, Schools and Halls competed in Ludo, Thug of War, Draught, Ampe, Volleyball and Football.

A one-day workshop on interdisciplinary has been held at University of Cape Coast (UCC). The workshop forms part of the project dubbed, "Building Expertise and Training for growth in the consumer goods and Processing Industry in Ghana (BET GHANA)."


The Dean of the School of Allied Health Sciences, University of Cape Coast, Prof. Desmond Omane Acheampong, has assured newly-appointed Heads of Departments (HODs) of his utmost support to enable them realize their goals for their respective departments.

The freshly-appointed HODs are Dr. Alexander Egyir Yawson (Department of Biomedical Sciences) and Dr. Frederick Ackaah Armah (Department of Health Information Management).

The Department of Crop Science of University of Cape Coast, UCC, has unveiled a Bachelor of Science Degree in Horticulture Programme.


The new programme is aimed at equipping students with professional and innovative skills to support the accelerated development of the horticulture industry in Ghana.


Following his appointment by the Governing Council of University of Cape Coast as Provost of the College of Distance Education (CoDE), Prof. Anokye Mohammed Adam, has assumed office.

Prof. Adam succeeds Prof. Isaac Galyon, who served a-two-term mandate which was six (6) years in duration.

In a statement at a short handover ceremony, Prof. Adam thanked his predecessor for contributing to the success of CoDE during his time in office.
