The Association of West Africa Universities (AWAU) has held its 9th Conference at the University of Cape Coast (UCC) with a call on stakeholders to promote quality tertiary education in the sub-region.

The three-day conference was on the theme, “Promoting quality tertiary education in West Africa through collaboration, regional integration and technology.”

The University of Cape Coast (UCC), through the Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience (ACECoR), has received international accreditation from the Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN) for fulfilling the institutional, procedural and cultural requirements for good teaching and successful learning.

The University of Cape Coast (UCC) Co-operative Credit Union has handed over a high-powered delivery bed to the University Health Services.

The advanced bed can be adjusted to the comfort and sleeping positions of heavily pregnant women for successful deliveries.

The humanitarian gesture was to show love as part of the UCC Credit Union’s social responsibility activities.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong, has noted that the success of any educational institution does not rest only on the dedication of its faculty and staff but also on the support and involvement of its alumni.

Prof. Boampong indicated that UCC’s alumni possessed a wealth of knowledge, experience, and resources that could be harnessed for the growth and development of the institution.

The University of Cape Coast (UCC) Alumni Council has pledged to give back to the University that has nurtured and shaped their lives.

As part of its give-back agenda, the Council - made up of the leadership of some chapters of the UCC Alumni Association across the globe - tabled a raft of proposals at a meeting with management of the University.

Among the plans is the introduction of Alumni Student Support Scholarship to help brilliant but needy students of the University.

An Associate Professor at the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Cape Coast (UCC), Prof. Adeladza Kofi Amegah, has presented Environmental Science books to the Department of Environmental Science.

Presenting the books, Prof. Amegah, who is an Associate Professor of Environmental and Nutritional Epidemiology, said he donated the books to support teaching, learning and research in the Department.

The issue of plastic waste has become a global concern because of its devastating effect on the environment.

To curb this menace, TEDxUniversityofCapeCoast —  an organisation on campus committed to societal outreach —  has embarked on sensitisation programme at Kwaprow M/A Basic School to raise awareness about the harmful effects of plastic pollution on the environment and people.
