The Western Regional Fire Commander, ACFO Obeng Dankwa Dwamena, has advised students of Valco Hall to contribute positively towards society even in the face of constraints. ACFO Dwamena noted that the important role of alumni of the hall in national development could not be overemphasized. He therefore urged the students to balance their academic work with voluntary community service. The Western Regional Fire Commander gave the advice at a grand durbar to climax the 25th Hall Week celebration.

The Dean of the School of Biological Sciences, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong has opened a five-day short course on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Training at the Samrit Hotel, Cape Coast. The programme which is being organised by the Centre for Coastal Management seeks to provide practical experience to participants which include Ph. D students from the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences of the University of Cape Coast, District Assemblies and the Fisheries Commission. Welcoming participants to the workshop, Prof.

The Nursing Students Association (NUSA) of UCC as part of their week celebration has embarked on a health outreach to the Bronyibima community near Elmina. The Bronyibima community was selected by the association to ascertain whether diseases and disease-causing agents there were similar to conditions in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The management of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) has interacted with students to acquaint themselves with their challenges on campus. Dubbed " Management and Students Consultative Meeting," the forum was also to solicit views from the students to enhance the operations of the University. Student Leaders, from the Students Representative Council (SRC), the Graduate Students Association of Ghana (GRASAG) and the Distance Students Association of Ghana (DESAG), read their constituency reports at the meeting.

The University Hospital has hosted some faculty and nursing students from the Grand Valley State University (GVSU), United States of America. The faculty and students from GVSU are currently embarking on Community Health Nursing in Ghana as part of their collaboration with the UCC School of Nursing and Midwifery. Interacting with the team from GVSU, the Administrator of the Hospital, Mr.

The Centre for Gender Research, Advocacy and Documentation (CEGRAD) joined the Yamoransa Community in the Mfantseman Municipality of the Central Region to commemorate the 2017 International Women's Day.

The Graduate Student Association of Ghana, (GRASAG), University of Cape Coast branch has organised a forum to commemorate the International Women’s Day on the theme “Be Bold for Change”. International Women’s Day is marked on March each year to bring the issues concerning women to the fore for discussions all over the world. It was in this vein that GRASAG UCC put up the programme to sensitize the University community on the need for women to be given the required support to achieve their dreams in lives.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Joseph Ghartey Ampiah, has congratulated the University Basic School on winning the 2016 edition of the University Basic Schools Sports Associations (UBaSSA) Games held at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. At the end of the competition, University of Cape Coast (UCC) Basic School won five trophies out of ten. It was against this backdrop that Prof. Ampiah lauded the team for their splendid performances. The Vice-Chancellor gave the congratulatory message at a function organised in honour of the Basic School Sports Team.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Joseph Ghartey Ampiah, has appealed to the Central Regional Fire Service Command to regularly conduct fire drill simulation for staff and students of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) on how to handle fire. The Vice-Chancellor made the appeal when he called on the Central Regional Fire Commander, Divisional Office One (DO 1) Fanny Simpson at Cape Coast. He noted that prevention was the most important aspect of fire safety and therefore, such exercise would equip staff and students with the skills to professionally deal with any eventuality like fire outbreak.

Mrs. Sophia Agyeibea Abnory, an Assistant Registrar of the University, has advised young ladies to be assertive in order to enhance their personal competence, confidence and self-esteem. She noted that without assertiveness and set of values, they would lose focus and be swayed by peer influence, adding that they should aspire to attain greater heights, and make themselves and their families who have over the years sacrificed for them proud. Mrs. Abnory made these observations at a ceremony to launch the Atlantic Hall Ladies' Association (ATLAS) 20th anniversary celebration.
