The University of Cape Coast has hosted and won the just ended 7th Mini Ghana Universities Sports Association (GUSA) games with a total of 28 gold, 19 silver and 5 bronze medals.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Brighter Investment, Mr. Thijs Mathot, has called on the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. George K. T Oduro, at his office.

The purpose of the visit was to introduce his firm to the University of Cape Coast and seek further collaboration for sustainable relationship with the University students.

Mr. Mathot stressed that Brighter Investment, supported by the University of British Columbia- Canada, was a social organisation which provides financial support to needy students.

The President of City of Hope Cardiovascular Care and Therapeutics, USA, Dr. Collins Kwarteng, has called on the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. George K.T Oduro, at his office.

The purpose of the visit, according to Dr. Kwarteng, was to seek collaboration with the University of Cape Coast (UCC) to set up a Health Sciences University, with special focus on training cardiovascular health professionals.

He said the visit was also to seek further collaboration to establish a Cardiothoracic Centre, which will be affiliated to the University.

Two members of staff of the Directorate of University Health Services ( DUHS)  have been awarded at the 2nd National Medical Excellence Awards for their outstanding achievements in the field of healthcare delivery.

The award ceremony, held at the Banquet Hall of the State House, Accra, was aimed at boosting the confidence and morale of professionals in the health sector.

The Medical Excellence Awards (MEA) for Healthcare Delivery Personnel was established in 2011 with the objective of honouring health care delivery works both in public and private sector.

The Managing Consultant of Rics Consult Ltd, Mr. Magnus RexDanquah, has said that the Ministry of Sports (MoS) was considering building a 5000  capacity swimming pool for the University of Cape Coast (UCC) ahead of the 2023 Africa Games, formerly called All Africa Games.

He said Ghana has bid for the hosting of the 2023 Africa Games and Cape Coast has been choosen as one of the venues for the Games.

Consequently, Mr. RexDanquah pointed out that the Ministry of Sports would put up a swimming pool in UCC for the swimming disciplines for the tournament.

The 7th Mini-Ghana Universities Sports Association (GUSA) Games which is being hosted by the University of Cape Coast has officially been opened at a colourful ceremony at the Cape Coast Stadium.

The games opened under the distinguished patronage of the Vice-Chancellor of UCC, Professor Joseph Ghartey Ampiah, with Omanhen of Oguaa Traditional Area, Osabarima Kwesi Attah II, as the guest of honour. The competition is on the theme “University Sports, a Unifier for Post-Election Ghana”.

The University of Cape Coast, (UCC) is hosting the 7th Mini Ghana University Sports Association (GUSA) Games from 3rd to 13th January, 2016.

The official opening of the Games would be held on Thursday, January 5th, 2016 at the Cape Coast Sports Stadium at 2 pm. The 10-day competition is under the distinguished patronage of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast, Prof. Joseph Ghartey Ampiah.

As part of its mandate to mentor Colleges of Education, the Institute of Education, University of Cape Coast has rolled out a number of training workshops all categories of staff in the various colleges.

The first College to benefit from such training workshop is Berekum College of Education in the Brong Ahafo Region, where Heads of Department were taken through a two-day training.

The programme was aimed at educating participants on their responsibilities, promoting the growth of their respective departments, marketing the departments, amongst others.
