Scene form the 7th session of the 54th congregation

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong has indicated that  management of the University of Cape Coast is leaving no stone unturned to put  graduate studies on a pedestal befitting the University and in the sub-region and beyond.

Prof. Boampong noted that graduate studies and research was at the heart of the University and would ensure that quality post graduate education was deepened to contribute significantly to national and global development.


Participants of the workshop

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Education (FoHSSE) in collaboration with the Directorate of Research, Innovation and Consultancy (DRIC) has organized a two-day training workshop for its faculty members.

The training was on “Data Modelling using Partial least Squares Structural Equation Modelling”.

Press Release

The University of Cape Coast, UCC, has denied allegations of leakage of questions for the Ghana Police Promotional Examination.

On 22nd February, 2023, it was reported on Adom TV’s ‘Badwam’ show that the Police Promotional Examination organised by the Department of Forensic Science of the University leaked before the exam was written.

Students at the Study Abroad Fair

The 2023 Study Abroad Fair attracted good patronage as students thronged the forecourt of the C. A. Ackah Lecture Theatre, venue of the Fair, to take advantage of International scholarships at hand. 

Organised by the Office of International Relations (OIR), the event afforded students the rare opportunity to apply and renew their passports with the Cape Coast Passport Office, which mounted a stand.

Postgraduate students of the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the workshop

The Director of Africa Centre for Coastal Resilience (ACeCoR), Prof. Denis W. Aheto, has urged postgraduate students of the Department of Biomedical Sciences to be ambitious in their quest to hone skills in grantsmanship.


Prof. Aheto noted that the process was very demanding, and therefore, they must be determined to give off their best  to prepare a professional, competitive and compelling proposal to be successful to win grants.

Pro Vice-Chancellor with the GRASAG Executives

The Pro Vice-Chancellor of University of Cape Coast, Prof. Mrs. Rosemond Boohene, has received in courtesy visit the executives of the Graduate Students' Association of Ghana (GRASAG) University of Cape Coast (UCC).


The purpose of the visit was to among others, introduce the new executives to the Pro Vice-Chancellor after taking office in November 2022.


Prof. Neville G. Pinto (President, UC) and Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong (Vice Chancellor, UCC)

The University of Cape Coast (UCC) and the University of Cincinnati (UC), Ohio in the United States of America have reviewed an existing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two institutions.
