Vice-Chancellor with the visitors from the University of Strasbourg

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof Johnson Nyarko Boampong, has met with the Vice-President for International Relations of University of Strasbourg, Prof. Irini Tsamadou-Jacoberger and her accompanying delegation at the Council Chamber. 


During the meeting, the two sides explored avenues to enhance academic cooperation between UCC and Strasbourg University and exchanged expertise on a number of academic issues of mutual concern.

Workshop for Health Training Institution Tutors

The Institutional Affiliation Office has organised a three-day workshop for selected health tutors who will be teaching on the University of Cape Coast’s Bachelor of Science programme in Nursing and Midwifery.


The two existing programmes will be hosted in 15 Health Training Institutions across the country from February 2023 on weekends.


Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong cutting the sod for the start of the projects

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof Johnson Nyarko Boampong, has performed a sod cutting for the construction of two single-storey buildings for the Institute of Education Guest House.

Expected to be completed within seven-and-a-half months, the structures when completed would have facilities such as kitchen, restaurant, gym, changing room for service staff, as well as swimming pools. 

Awardees with the Vice-Chancellor

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof Johnson Nyarko Boampong, has commended the University Basic School contestants who participated in the 5th African Spelling Bee Championship in Blantyre, Malawi. 

The contestants- Master Kobina Adu Ampah-Mensah (Primary School) and Master Edem Segbenya (from JHS) – distinguished themselves at the competition and placed third, with spellers from Nigeria and Malawi taking the first and second positions respectively. 

Prof. Boampong added that the competition was not all about winning but there  was so much to learn from the experiences. 

A delegation led by a member of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) Sports and Recreation Committee, Dr. Daniel Apaak, has presented trophies won at the 2022 Ghana Universities Sports Association (GUSA) Games to the Vice-Chancellor, Prof Johnson Nyarko Boampong, at the Council Chamber.

Mr. Adom-Konadu speaking at the orientation

A day’s orientation programme has been organised for national service personnel, who have been posted to the University of Cape Coast (UCC) for the 2022/2023 service year.

The programme, organised by Training and Development Section under the Directorate of Human Resource, was aimed at giving the personnel opportunity to acquaint themselves with the operations of the University, as well as to sensitise them on their role towards national development.
