The Office of the Dean of Students has organised a workshop for newly elected leaders

 of the Students Representative Council (SRC-UCC), Graduate Students Association of Ghana (GRASAG-UCC), and the Junior Common Room Committee (JCRC-UCC) of the various Halls of Residence.


The Centre for Gender Research, Advocacy and Documentation (CEGRAD-UCC), has held a workshop for stakeholders of the University on the theme, “Sexual Harassment Stakeholders’ Awareness Creation and Reporting Structures”.

Ms. Angelina Maisuh best level 400 student in the School of Physical Sciences

The School of Physical Sciences of the University of Cape Coast (UCC), has presented certificates to 101 students who have obtained a CGPA of 3.6 and above in the various Departments of the School.

The Dean of the School of Physical Sciences, Prof. Emmanuel K. Essel, mentioned that the ceremony had been organised to reward and appreciate students who had excelled in their academic work during the academic year. The ceremony was also expected to serve as motivation to other students to put more effort into their academic work. 

The School of Physical Sciences in the College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences of the University of Cape Coast, has held a ceremony to unveil Rotovaps Laboratory equipment donated by Mr. George Adjabeng, an Alumnus of the School and Chief Executive Officer of Ecodyst, Inc. 


The School of Nursing and Midwifery has held a workshop for Lecturers and staff of the School

on Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Data Management.

The Dean of the School, Dr. Nancy Innocentia Ebu Enyan, said that the workshop was organized

to meet Key Thrust 1 of the UCC Corporate Strategic Plan, which focuses on reflective teaching

and learning. “As a school, we sat down to evaluate our teaching methodology and realized that

The Centre for Child Development Research and Referral (CCDRR) of the University of Cape Coast has held a workshop to train teachers from Primary Schools in Cape Coast.

The training workshop was held to equip the teachers to identify and assist pupils with reading and handwriting challenges in the classroom. It was on the theme “Effective Teaching Strategies for Handling Children with Reading and Handwriting Difficulties in an Inclusive Setting.”
