Critical thinking includes, but not limited to, variety of deliberative processes aimed at making wise decisions about what to believe and do, processes that centre on evaluation of arguments, among other. The course will integrate logic, both formal and informal, with a variety of skills and topics useful in making sound decisions about claims, actions, and practices and to make it all palatable by presenting it in real-life contexts. This course is interactive and conversational in tone and aim at helping students to appreciate how to use the tools in logic in arriving at most cogent conclusions given different issues of life.
This course is designed to equip the student with knowledge of the theoretical basis for psychiatric mental health nursing. The course emphasizes the application of the nursing process in the provision of acute and rehabilitative care for the client and family with mental health problems. Interpersonal and group communication, and legal and ethical issues are presented Interdisciplinary health care team and its function in the psychiatric setting explored.
This course aims at equipping student teachers with skills to activate HOTS in their students in the teaching and learning of science. It is designed to enhance the engagement strategies of student teachers in the course of teaching and learning of Science.
Topics to be discussed will include: meaning and concept of HOTS, principles, theories and philosophies of HOTS, engagement strategies to activate HOTS (e.g. critical thinking and inquiry thinking skills), communicative approach, and patterns of discourse through scientific tasks.
The course will enable students to appreciate that science is a product of human thought and practice. Students will be exposed to the views of modern and contemporary philosophers of science. Students will learn the various approaches to scientific reasoning.
The course covers meanings and aims of science as illustrated by the views of Popper, Kuhn, Feyerabend, Lakatos and the Copernican revolution. Patterns of scientific explanations; Scientific theories; Hypothetico-deductive reasoning; Explanation and inference; Science as process and Science as product; and the Constructs of nature of science (e.g. Tentativeness, objectivity, among others) will be discussed.
The emphasis of this course is management of the childbearing family during pregnancy, labour and the puerperium. Emphasis is on the nurse’s role and responsibilities in the detection of deviations from the normal states of pregnancy and complications of pregnancy, labour and the puerperium. Nursing care of the new-born experiencing uncomplicated and complicated delivery will be presented.
The purpose of this course is to examine the professional nurse’s role and responsibilities in shaping health care policy at the regional, national and international levels. Content will focus on developing skills in strategic planning, political processes and organisational development as applied to health care policy.
This course builds on prior coursework and emphasizes the application of the nursing process to address acute illness and surgical care of clients with alterations in the endocrine, neurological and musculoskeletal systems. The focus will be on health promotion and health maintenance strategies to meet the physical, developmental, and psychosocial needs of clients and families. The course will provide a focus on the roles and responsibilities of the professional nurse in theatre nursing
This is a comprehensive course designed to introduce prospective teachers to the psychological influences responsible for the behaviour and learning characteristics of individual students. It includes knowledge of the forces of nature and nurture as they affect the physical, psycho-social, cognitive and moral characteristics of the learner in the school. It also includes knowledge on how the teacher can identify special needs in the individual as well as the principles and strategies to employ in helping and counselling learners to develop their potentials in full.
This course is taken concurrently with NUR 419. The course is designed to allow the students to apply the nursing process in the care of clients with an acute illness or undergoing a surgical procedure involving the endocrine, neurological or musculoskeletal systems. Students will complete a one-month rotation in the theatre. Students will spend six (6) hours per week on an assigned clinical unit under the supervision of nurse technicians and clinicians. Demonstrations with return demonstration of selected nursing skills will be included in the course. Ward conferences will be organized to discuss the students’ clinical experiences and procedures. A comprehensive Client-Family Care Study will be an integral part of the course.