Prof. Mensah with some Chinese officials and students

The Confucius Institute of the University of Cape Coast has held the 2020 Chinese Spring Festival on campus with a call on students to learn the Chinese language and culture.

The Ghanaian Director of the Confucius Institute, Prof. Mensah, observed that learning the Chinese language and culture would offer Ghanaians the opportunity not to be short-changed when engaging in business with the Chinese. He said China had become Ghana’s largest trading partner, and, therefore, there was the need for Ghanaians to take the Chinese Language and Culture seriously.

Some postgraduate students listening to presentations at the workshop

The Graduate Students Association, UCC Chapter, has organised a three-day workshop to expose postgraduate students to new trends in conducting research.
The workshop which was held according to colleges was aimed at equipping students on Tools in Data Analysis and Interpretation, and Best Practices to avoid Plagiarism.

Vice-Chancellor with dignitaries after the inauguration

A ceremony has been held to inaugurate two LED Digital Billboards on campus.

One of the billboards is installed in front of the Main Administration Block at the South Campus while the other is close to the Shuttle Terminal at the North Campus.

Law Students with the Speakers and Vice-Chancellor

A Supreme Court Judge, Her Ladyship Gertrude Torkornoo, has advised law students to aspire to become professionals with integrity.      Justice Torkornoo gave the advice at the 5th Legal Luminaries Platform organised by the UCC Law Students' Union. The theme for the event, which was held at the C. A. Ackah Lecture Theatre, Auditorium 900 was on the theme, “Finding a Balance between Personal Achievements and Social Responsibilities, Lessons for the Law Students" 

Participants listening to address by the Guest Speakers

The Directorate of Research, Innovation and Consultancy (DRIC) in conjunction with the Data Science Unit of the School of Agriculture,  has organised a three-day workshop on Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

The workshop which was attended by faculty members from the University and postgraduate students was aimed at promoting good and objective management of research data to inform policy.  

Vice-Chancellor with members of IEPA Committee

An 11-member committee has been inaugurated at a ceremony on campus to oversee the transition of the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA) Committee as a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation Category II Institute. 
The inauguration of the committee was as a result of the upgrade of IEPA to UNESCO Category II Institute for the West Africa Sub-region in the areas of Educational Planning, Management and Leadership.

The team with some officials of UCC

A team from Facilitation India Private Limited (FIPL), India, has called on the Vice-Chancellor of the University to explore possible ways of introducing ‘Near Field Controlled Block Chain Secured Technology (NFC Block Chain Secured Technology)’ for students’ certificates. 

Dr. Odame-Ankrah delivering the lecture

An expert in Air Quality Measurement, Dr. Charles Odame-Ankrah, has called for the implementation of a rigorous air monitoring scheme to ensure better health for people.
Speaking on the topic, “Air Quality and Health: Why we should worry”  at a joint public lecture organised under the auspices of the Department of Population and Health and the Faculty of Social Sciences, Dr. Odame-Ankrah noted that air pollution was one of the causes of death in the world. 
