The Course will review techniques that are useful for analyzing time series data, that is, sequences of measurements that follow non-random orders
This course focuses on the application of statistical methods to educational problems
This course will examine various psychological theories which underpin effective teaching and learning of mathematics
This course is a balanced study between theoretical researched-based foundations and applications of statistical methods for analyses of quantitative and qualitative research data.
The course will provide students opportunities to develop their Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and skills to design, enact and evaluate ICT-based lessons using a variety of ICT tools that support different teaching and learning strategies. Students will gain enough computer knowledge such as Office Suite, EndNotes, Qualitative and Quantitative Data Analysis software to complete their thesis and oral examination
The course aims to provide a detailed study and evaluation of recent research developments within the fields of learning, perception and cognition, and guide students to consider the implications of these recent advances on mathematics instruction. Specifically, the models of strategies of learning and teaching that will be developed in the course will enable students to put some of the advanced ideas in learning to the test by tackling some real problems encountered in the day to day life of the mathematics teacher.
The course is intended to deal with the assessment of cognitive, psychomotor and affective development of students and perspectives of assessment of mathematics teaching and learning
This course is designed to expose students to contemporary issues in curriculum studies and development in mathematics education. The opportunity will be given to students to engage in some of the current complicated discourses in curriculum development, implementation, supervision and evaluation.
The course will examine various philosophies of mathematics and their implications for their definitions of mathematics, the development of mathematics, the structure and nature of some branches of mathematics, abstraction, symbolism, induction, deduction, mathematical logic, proofs and models in mathematics
This course introduces students to elementary vector algebra and its applications in solving routine problems in geometry and mechanics